Death announcement.

The Prime Minister of Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom Rt Hon Andrew Byakutaga announces the untimely death of Princess Juliet Kabacunga Amooti.

Princess Kabacunga is a sister to His Majesty the Omukama of Bunyoro Kitara.

She died this evening at Mulago national referral hospital where she has been undergoing medication.

Burial arrangements will be announced later.

The following are accordingly informed.

Okwiri and Batebe
Princes, princesses and all members of the Royal family.

The chairperson and members of the Royal commission.

Members of the Kingdom parliament (Orukurato)
All the Omukama’s chiefs and officers.

The Bishop of Bunyoro Kitara diocese Rt Rev Samuel Kahuma.

The Bishop of Hoima diocese Rt Rev Vincent Kirabo Amooti.

The Bunyoro district Khad Sheikh Ashraf Kugonza.

All ministers of Government

All members of parliament.

All members of the business community.

All elders.

All members of the civil society.

All religious leaders

All friends and relatives.

All subjects of His Majesty, the Omukama of Bunyoro Kitara.