Uganda Rural Development and Training Program Offers Scholarships to Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom

Uganda Rural Development and Training Program (URDT has offered 20 scholarships to Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom (BKK).

During a visit by the Prime Minister of Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom to URDT offices yesterday, the Chief Executive Officer of URDT and the Vice Chancellor of African Rural University Dr. Mwalimu Musheshe informed the Prime Minister that the scholarships are among the contributions that URDT is extending to the Kingdom.
URDT also has a skilling training program of 70,000 youth which youth in Bunyoro are already benefiting from.
URDT has also offered a weekly program via its Kagadi Kibaale Community Radio (KKCR) where the Kingdom will be sensitizing the public about the culture and other developments in the Kingdom.
At URDT, there is African Rural University (ARU), URDT institute, and URDT Girls School.

The following courses are being offered at ARU.

Bachelor of Rural Development, Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Agriculture, Bachelor of Science in Technologies for Rural Transformation, Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, and Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development.
This year, the Kingdom launched the BKK Education Fund which will offer scholarships to two students from each of the 8 districts and Hoima City.
However, other institutions have started injecting more support into the fund.
Volcom Technical Services injected 5 million shillings, Victoria University has offered 10 scholarships to BKK and URDT has given 20 scholarships.
The BKK Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Andrew Byakutaga Ateenyi appreciated the support from URDT and other partners who are supporting the Kingdom.
The Premier is traversing the Bunyoro subregion to update various stakeholders about ongoing and upcoming developments in the Kingdom. He is also receiving feedback from stakeholders.
The Kingdom is developing and enhancing strategic partnerships to support Kingdom projects whose overall target is to improve the quality of life of the people.