Message from Bunyoro Kitara Royal Commission (Akakurato K’Obunanu) on the 24th Empango Day

Emyenda ya Kitara, Distinguished Dignitaries, all Stakeholders as well as Partners, We wish to take this opportunity to welcome you to this 24th Empango Day. Specifically we congratulate Rukirabasaija Agutamba Dr Solomon Iguru 1st and Omugo Margaret Karunga Adyeeri on this Coronation Day of His Royal Highness, Omukama of Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom.

Emplacement of the Royal Commission (Akakurato K’obunanu)

Emyenda ya Kitara and all our friends, we wish to point out that Bunyoro Kingdom both as a Geographical entity and as an Institution has experienced a number of challenges which range from the need to institute various systems and plans; actions to position the people to benefit from the exploitation of our natural resources; and to create harmonious and beneficial relationships of the various nationalities (indigenous and immigrants) living in this Kingdom.

It should however be emphasized that the Kingdom is not on fire, together we can find solutions and build on our rich cultural heritage.

In order to address some of the challenges R.A. Omukama Dr Solomon Gafabusa Iguru1st, put in place the Royal Commission to give the Omukama Strategic Advice.

The Royal Commission (Akakurato K’Obunanu) is comprised of the following people who serve on a voluntary and part time basis:-

–      Omujwarakondo Dr. F.A. Kabagambe-Kaliisa, Chairperson

–      Hon. Justice (Rtd) Cosmas Kato, Member

–      Dr. Joseph Biribonwa, Member

–      Omupanyarwa John Hope Muniongo

–      Mr. George Namyaka, Member

–      Haji Mohamoud Kazimbiraine, Member

–      Dr. Yolamu Nsamba, Member and Secretary


In particular, the Commission is charged with the following responsibilities:

  • Vetting the appointment of the Omuhikirwa (Kingdom Prime Minister) and Cabinet.
  • To receive all reports and accountability from the Omuhikirwa and advise the Omukama.
  • Institute and supervise the update of the Kingdom asset register, Financial Accounting and Management Systems together with cultural norms.
  • To approve annual work plans and monitor income and expenditure of the Kingdoms.
  • Review past, outgoing and future agreements related to Kingdom assets.
  • The Commission is authorized to seek professional services on any matter related to its work.

Cultural and Historical Significance of Royal Commission ( Akakurato Kobunanu ) in Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom 

The Royal Commission (Akakurato K’Obunanu)is an old established institution which advises the Omukama on strategic issues where stakes are high in the Kingdom. Prior to launching a full scale war on the colonial forces of aggression, Omukama Cwa II, Yohana Kabalega convened meetings of The Royal Commission( Akakurato K’ obj and) in December 1983 to advise the Omukama on whether it was appropriate for the Kingdom to launch a war on the invading colonial British Forces. Omukama Kabalega had received heavy demands from Captain    Lugard and Kabaka Mwanga that Bunyoro Kingdom must pay heavy      loads of Ivory and Salt to the British Government through Buganda        Kingdom on a regular basis or else the Kingdom would be invaded and captured.

In addition Bunyoro Kingdom had already had bad experience with the British invaders following the extensive and prolonged looting of the people by forces of Sir Samuel Baker, which Omukama Kabalega had managed to halt when he came to the throne. Akakurato Kobunanu was therefore convened by the Omukama to decide on the Destiny of the Kingdom under the emerging circumstances.

At that time Akakurato K’obunanu was composed of the following people:-

  1. Omurusura Omukuru (General) Rwabudongo
  2. Omurusura Omukuru (General)Ireta (formerly a Munyankore slave captured from Ankole).
  3. Omurusura Omukuru (General) Gutambaki
  4. Omurusura Omukuru (General) Nyakamatura
  5. Nyina Omukama Nyamutahingurwa Omukama Kabalega’s Mother.

Indeed the above Team agreed to wage war on the colonial forces and started to sensitize the population to prepare for war in January 1894. As a matter of fact the first action of the then Royal Commission was to prepare Underground Tunnels from Katasiiha Fort to Bujumbura East and the battle from at Musaijamukuru Hill.

Actions taken by the current Royal Commission

Since its emplacement, the Royal Commission has met 12 times (every fortnight). The Commission reviewed submissions and responses made by the retired Omuhikirwa and some Kingdom Ministers and officials on a number of issues raised by the Commission and the general public. Some of the pertinent issues include the disposal of Kingdom Land, the utilization of proceeds and revenue that has accrued to the Kingdom and the divesture of Kinyara Sugar Industry shares by the Central Government which has not benefited the Kingdom of Bunyoro as the original owner of the land on which the industry was founded.

Given the need for the Kingdom to benefit from the Kinyara Divesture, gravity of the matter, the Royal Commission drew attention of Highest Authority of Government on the strong desire by the people of Bunyoro to be compensates by the Central Government and share in the proceeds of the divesture of Kinyara Sugar Works on a 50% basis. The response is awaited.

The Royal Commission upon the review and analysis of available documents and interactions with the then Kingdom Administration, it was evident that there was strong necessity to institute management systems, draw a strategic direction for the Kingdoms, document Kingdoms Assets including land and review and document kingdom culture and cultural norms.

The Royal Commission had consultations with R.A Omukama during the first week of January 2018 and advised him on the need to institute a new policy direction which should be anchored on robust management and governance systems and a strategic plan. However to implement the new policy direction, there was need to put in place a responsive Kingdom Administration and appoint Task Forces composed of highly knowledgeable and experienced people to design the required systems. Consequently, three Task Forces to deal with

i) Management and Governance Systems and as well as strategic planning;

ii) Land and Physical Planning; and

iii) Cultural Norms and Practices.

Composition of the Task Forces

The Management Task Force is composed of the following professionals:-

  • Edgar Isingoma, Chairperson of the Task Force.
  • Andrew Kirungi Byakutaaga, Member
  • Vincent Bagire, Member
  • Patrick Byabakama Kaberenge, member
  • Sylvester Kugonza, member
  • Abdul Bazaara Byakagaba, member
  • Fred Muhumuza, member

The Cultural Task Force is composed of the following experienced persons:-

  • George Muhumuza, Head of Regalia, Chairperson.
  • Okwiri Mugenyi, Ruchunya, Member
  • Kalyota/Batebe, Member
  • Omupanyarwa John Hope Muniongo, MEMBER
  • Omubito John Olimi Nyabongo, Member
  • Yolamu Nsamba, Member
  • Haji Bruhan Kyakuhaire, Member
  • Omubitokati Alice Bagaaya, Member
  • Bulasio Mugasa, Member
  • Henry Ford Mirima, Member
  • Milton Wabyona, Member

The Task Force on Land and Physical Planning is composed of the following persons:-

  • Mr John Musungu, Chairman of the Task Force
  • Prince Yesero Mugenyi, SC, Consultant.
  • Mr Ronald Mwesigwa- Secretary
  • Mr Vincent Byendaimira
  • Mr Mugasa Blasio-Member
  • Mr Joseph Biribonwa Junior (Back stopping)
  • Mr Joseph Muhumuza-Member
  • All Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom Saza Chiefs

The above Task Forces have been very busy with the assignments. The Management Task Force was able to organize a very successful symposium in April this year in order to consult the key stakeholders and get their inputs on the new policy direction and strategic plan.

Concluding Remarks

In conclusion, the Royal Commission wishes to emphasize that when Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom is armed with enhanced management systems and governance structures, a strategic plan and a documented Kingdom Asset Base, the Kingdom will attract and enjoy support from all stakeholders. The Kingdom will be in position to play its role of championing the promotion of culture, social and economic development.

The Royal Commission is great fun to Rukirabasaija Omukama for the confidence emplaned in the Team to be Abananu ( Royal Commissioners) and for instituting a new Policy Direction.

We thank the Omuhikirwa and Members of the Management Task Force for thinking through the task which was given to them and being able to give us an output today. The Royal Commission thanks the Task Forces of Cultural Norms and Practices and Land and Physical Planning for commencing its work. We are sure that within a short time the two Task Forces will give us their outputs.

We wish all of you our distinguished guests Happy Celebrations on this EMPANGO DAY!



Omujwarakondo Dr F. A. Kabagambe-Kaliisa,Chairman

Hon. Justice ( Rtd) Cosmas Kato, Member

Dr Joseph N. Biribonwa, Member

Omupanyarwa John Hope Muniongo, Member

Mr George Namyaka, Member

Haji Mohamoud Kazimbiraine, Member

Dr Yolamu Nsamba, Member and Secretary