Empango, a special event in Bunyoro Kitara By Haji. Burhani Kyakuhaire

Dear Readers,

I take this opportunity to well come you to this 24th Coronation Anniversary (Empango) of his Royal Majesty the R.A Omukama of Bunyoro – Kitara, Dr. Solomon Gafabusa Iguru 1. Hangiriza Agutamba.

Empango is an event that is celebrated by a reigning King (Omukama) to mark the day when he was enthroned. It is organized by people to congratulate their King. We thank all individuals Companies, Institutions for their contributions towards this Empango Ceremony.

On this day, enthronement rituals are performed. The rituals are led by Omusiita. The current head of the Kingdom regalia is Omusiita George Muhuruzi.

The Omukama addresses his subjects and guides them on social and economic development trends including uplifting their livelihoods.

On this auspicious day, the Omukama feeds his subjects (Okwinura).

The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister gives a progress report as well as accountability and a plan for the forthcoming year.

It is a day of making friendship among the celebrants. The King’s subjects use the day to make money through selling consumables and other items.

It’s also a day of exhibiting and showcasing different activities taking place in the Kingdom.

It is on this day the R.A Omukama hosts distinguished dignitaries from all over Uganda, Africa and beyond. He is also joined by his counter parts the Royal Majesties and Highnesses and other Cultural leaders.

Bunyoro Kitara 0Kingdom is a cultural Institution and in it there are several cultural communities who have lived proudly under the R.A Omukama for several six centuries. Such communities include the Abacope, Abaruli, Abasindi, Abagahya, Abanyakibiro, Abakobya, Abatiaba, Abagungu, Abagangaizi, Abayaga, Abanyatonya among others. They have lived harmoniously and enjoying the culture of Bunyoro–Kitara.

We all subscribe to the Orthography of the Runyoro/ Rutooro language which is also spoken in Eastern Congo and Northern Tanzania and belong to similar clans.

We share the same food and practice non-tangible heritage. Our spirituality in belief and practices is evident across the different communities in the Kingdom.

The R.A Omukama is a cultural symbol of Bunyoro – Kitara whose stewardship is physically and socially felt among all Banyoro.

Hangiriza Agutamba

Hangiriza Mwebingwa

Hangiriza Nkya Nungi.

The writer is Special Assistant for cultural Affairs in the Office of Prime Minister &

Chairperson Empango Central Organizing Committee 2018.