Bunyoro, My Great Culture, My Pride by Owek Philip Katahoire Atwooki

Owek. Phillip Katahoire

As the Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom Diaspora and Liaison Minister I have represented Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom on several High Profile State and Cultural Functions over the last 10 years that I have served Omukama Dr. Solomon Gafabusa Iguru 1.

I have discovered that Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom is regarded in very High Esteem both in Uganda and abroad.

Most Ugandans, Tanzanians and Congolese call us JAJA OR DADHA as it is said in Lusoga.

They always tell me personally to convey their greetings and wishes for good Health and for good leadership to the Great Jaja or Dadha Dr. Solomon Gafabusa Iguru 1.

Wherever I have visited or attended high profile functions or celebrations like in Buganda kingdom, Ssabasajja Kabaka Ronald Mutebi II has always expressed great happiness to see me and he has always given me an opportunity to exchange pleasantries with him.

At his Royal Majesty birthday that was held in Butambala last year, the Kabaka gave Bunyoro an honour by allowing me (Kabaka Akasiima) together with the Kyabazinga of Busoga to cut a Roasted Goat in Lieu of His Royal Majesty birthday cake.

This was indeed an honour accorded to Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom.

I represented the Omukama at the opening of the magnificent cultural Tourism Igongo Hotel at Biharwe in Mbarara, Ankole, where the Head of State H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni was the Guest of Honour accompanied by the First lady Hon. Janet Kataha Museveni.

The Igongo Hotel and Museum is located at Biharwe on the Kampala Mbarara Road, but it is about 10 km before Mbarara just opposite the Historical/Cultural Igongo Hill and owned by Mr. James Tumusiime.

At this particular function, the Head of State H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, the first lady, Hon. Janet Kataha Museveni, Mr. James Tumusiime, Prof. Joshua Kamugungunu Muvumba, Hon Dr. Medard Bitekyerezo former MP Mbarara Municipality and all the Banyankole present were very happy that Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom was fully represented by a full Minister sent by the Omukama Rukirabasaija Agutamba Dr. Solomon Gafabusa Iguru 1st.

According to Historical Researcher Prof. Joshua Kamugungunu, the Omukama of Bunyoro, Olimi Rwitamahanga, fought many battles and won many of them in the Ankole Region.

He collected almost all the cows from the Ankole Region and took them as Omunyago (War loot) because that was the cultural practice after any battle.

As a result, the Ankole people had become so impoverished during that Omukama Olimi Rwitamahanga’s time to the extent that the Banyankole had started using Enyonza (Red Berries) for marriage as Dowry during marriage ceremonies instead of the usual long horned Ankole cattle.

Therefore, as fate would have it one day, when Ikingura Olimi Rwitamahanga had camped and was resting at the Igongo Hill, with all his cattle, a total Eclipse occurred, and then Olimi Rwitamahanga abandoned all the cows and the women they had got in the Omunyago (War loot).

Then the Banyankole thought that it was an act of Evil Spirits (Traditional gods). That is how they got their cows back and they multiplied them up to today.

On 26th May this year, I represented the Omukama of Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom at the Kagulu Hill climbing challenge.

The Basoga led by his Majesty the Kyabazinga Gabula Nadiope IV at a function organized by the Speaker`        of Parliament of Uganda Mwidhukulu Waife Rt. Hon Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga and the Minister of Tourism in Busoga Kingdom Owekitibwa Hellen Namutamba were very happy to see me and to receive Igatwa ya Rukirabasaija (Minister of the Omukama) and they also called me “Dadha”.

Then they sent warm greetings and best wishes to their great “Dhadha” (grand father) Omukama Dr. Solomon Gafabusa Iguru.

I also recently visited and met the Batwa King both in Uganda and Congo, Omukama Nzito and some of his Batwa subjects in Bundibugyo on 26th May 2018.

Omukama Nzito also addressed me as Jaja. He also sent special greetings to the Omukama of Bunyoro Dr. Solomon Gafabusa Iguru 1st whom he specifically addressed as his great Jaja.

The same respect and Honour was expressed to me by the;

  • Abamba
  • Abanyabindi
  • Ababwisi
  • Abasongora
  • Abatwa
  • Abakingwe
  • Abagabo
  • Abatuku
  • Abasonga (who speak like the Bamba)

In fact most of the above mentioned people have similar names like the Banyoro and I did not need an Interpreter to understand them during our conversations.

The same respect is accorded to Bunyoro whenever I meet the Langi the Acholi, the Alur, the Lugbara and the Bagisu.

A few years back, the Omukama of Bunyoro sent a Delegation to visit and talk to his people in Karagwe Tanzania. I was part of that delegation too.

We entered through the Kikagati Border. We visited the Bweranyangi Palace of Omukama Rumanyika and as well the Ancestral Home of the Rumanyikas in Karagwe, Tanzania.

Then we held a meeting with the Bishops and the Royals of Karagwe who have names like Tibamwenda, Rumanyika etc. they also have the Empakos.

We communicated in Runyoro – Rutooro and all our subsequent Meetings and deliberations went very well in Runyoro – Rutooro.

I thank everybody who honored our invitations to this 24th Coronation Anniversary (Empango) of the Omukama Dr. Solomon Gafabusa Iguru 1st.

Hangiriza Omwebingwa,

Hangiriza Agutamba

Hangiriza Entale ya Bunyoro 

Owek. Philip. D. Katahoire Atwooki (Omusambu)

Special Assistant For Diaspora Affairs

Office of the Prime Minister, Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom