Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom concerned over refugee crisis

Bunyoro Kitara kingdom has started engaging various stakeholders about influx of refugees in Bunyoro region.

Since the 1950s to date, Bunyoro has welcomed refugees.

The Kingdom is however concerned that some refugees are escaping from Kyangwali and Kiryandongo refugee settlements and settling in wetlands and forests.

Other refugees are exploiting the porous boarder between Uganda and DRC and entering into Bunyoro without prior screening by security and medical officials.

The Prime minister of Bunyoro Kitara kingdom Rt. Hon Andrew Byakutaga recently met officials from the office of the Prime minister, UN, national security agencies. and district local governments in Bunyoro.

He said Bunyoro wants the refugees who are coming into Bunyoro to be screened to ensure that they are not a security threat to the region.

He suggested increased funding to local governments hosting refugees because the refugee influx has strained social services in the region.

He further asked UNHCR and partners working in refugee settlements to prioritize giving jobs and businesses to local communities.

“Our people should benefit from local content. This will curb the anxiety that may arise if locals feel sidelined” Byakutaga said.

He said there is need to preserve and promote Bunyoro’s culture amidst the on-going developments.

The meeting resolved to meet Uganda’s Prime minister, The minister for refugees and disaster preparedness, and the UNHCR country representative to draw out a strategy aimed at addressing this matter.