Runyoro Idiomatic Expressions

1. kuburorra mu rwigi — leaving very early in the morning
2. baroleriire ha liiso — watching over a dying person
3. kucweke nteho ekiti — running as fast as possible
4. kurubata atakincwa — walking hurriedly and excitedly
5. kusindika asitamire — making someone do what he wanted to do
6. kugenda obutarora nyuma — walking very fast and in a concentrated manner
7. kugenda atabijwaire — leaving in a great hurry
8. omutima guli enyuma — dissatisfied, worried
9. omutima guramaire — dissatisfied, worried
10. omutima gwezire — satisfied, contented
11. kugendera mu kasindikaine — following the world, moving without much planning
12. kuraara kaburamurro — spend the night suffering as if in prison
13. kujuma amaijukuru — joking/talking playfully with a young child or one in that position
14. amaiso kugahanga enkiro — waiting for somebody/something with anxiety
15. kukwata ogwa timbabaine/tibamboine — disappear quietly
16. kwija naamaga — arrive in panic and anxiety
17. kusekera mu kooti, mu binkwaha — express one’s pleasure discreetly
18. kutarorwa izooba — too beautiful to be exposed
19. kuteera akahuno — effect of great suprise
20. garama nkwigate — talk carelessly
21. ncwera nyaatire kunu — not affirming oneself, behave as if one is nothing
22. kukwata amaiso mungaro — behaving without restraint
23. kukwata ebirandakwata — acting carelessly
24. kwemerra ha bunkenke — being on tension
25. amaiso ga kimpenkirye — shamelesness
26. kubaza ebiigurwinyuma — talking with lack of concern
27. kurora obutengyambone — walking anxiously and diligently
28. maguru nkakwimaki — as fast as possible
29. kuseka ekihiinihiini — laughing with great happiness
30. kuraara ekitabu bukiizi — spent night in anxiety
31. kubaza binkwatiireki — speak carelessly and without concern
32. kutagarra nka Nyineeka amazire amusoro — relaxing without any worry
33. kwehayo nk’azaara ekifu — acting with all one’s strength